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The Advisor Panel and recruitment portal, FinancialAdvisorsnet.com, are managed by DGL Consultants and powered by Qualtrics, dedicated to providing the best quality research possible. Managing a panel of financial advisors is complex and requires industry expertise. There are privacy laws, anti-spam regulations, and panelist issues. Our best practices reflect the commitment to excellence while maintaining advisor confidentiality.


Steps to Join the Advisor Panel

  1. You submit request (opt-in) to receive Advisor Panel form
  2. You receive email confirmation and click on link to complete and submit Advisor Panel form
  3. Survey invitations are sent to panelists
  4. Upon close of survey, incentives and results are sent to panelists

[Join the Advisor Panel: Double Opt-in Required]


Summary: You must enter your name, e-mail address, and broker-dealer affiliation. If you are not affiliated with a broker-dealer, but are a Registered Investment Advisor (RIA), please enter "RIA" followed by the name of your investment adviser firm. All submissions are confirmed.


First Name:


Last Name:






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